Monday, 3 October 2011

Tarot / Band

7.Tarot card

What will i be doing?
        Answering client question using symbolic tarot cards, a set of 78 playing cards used for furtune telling, counseling  divination and even meditation.

What will i need to start?
       You must learn how to read tarot cars> Get a friend to teach you, buy a book on the subject, or surf the internet to learn how. You'll need a deck of tarot cards(powerbooks carries a selection price at P800 to P2,000), candles or incense( to provide a certain relaxing atmosphere to the reading), and chairs and a table.

How much should i charge?
      P50 to P300 for a fifteen minute tarot card reading; P300 to P500 per hour at parties irrespective of the number of people served

How much will i make?
    Your earning will vary depending on the day of the week if you're located in a mall. you'll make more money at parties by charging per reading or a flat fee for the whole night


What will i be doing?
       Accompanying band to their gigs, carrying their equipment, and running errands for them. Your work will take you to clubs all over the Philippines.

What will i need to start?
      You need no special skills, but those who flourish in this job usually love music.

Who will my customers be?
      Any local band, but mind that the bands needing assistant most are those with a large fan base and do regular gigs.

How much should i charge?
     You'll make about P500 from a two hour gig and P1,000 from a concert or function. you'll be reimbursed for anything you spend.

How much will i make?
     A good band will average five gigs a month and a many as 10 during the holidays. Your transportation and all meal will be taken care of , so your expenses will be minimal.

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