Saturday, 8 October 2011

Word Smart

what are the intelligence's?
Liguistic intelligence 
word smart

British author JK Rowling, creator of the wildly popular Harry Potter fantasy series, said that as a child, she enjoyed writing fantasy stories, which she often read to her sister.
Linguistic Intelligence is the ability to think in words or be sensitive to the meaning and order of words. Word smart children are easy to detect. These children are always talking, writing or reading. it is easy for children with this intelligence to excel in class because they are able to use words effectively. Linguistic children are predisposed to be school smart because linguistic intelligence is needed in most school work.

Parenting tips on how to Raise 
Word Smart entrepreneurs: 

1. Encorage love for Reading.
    these kids have a healthy appetite for reading and discovering new words.

2. Bring out their writer's voice: Children are natural story tellers. While they are young, make an effort to get them to write their stories even in simple text. Encourage writing by giving them notebooks, diaries or journals. when you go on vacation, let them write what they did for the day. you can even make them do all the captions for your vacation photos. Make them write their own books and you can read these during bedtime to show them that their work is valuable. When they get older, you can get them to join their school paper. Future publisher, editors and writers benefit from lots and lots of opportunities to write!.

3.Make them speak their heart out: Popular TV host Oprah was raised by her grandmother in a farm where she began her broadcasting career by learning how to read aloud and recite at the age of three. verbal eloquence and the ability of children to express themselves fluently in front of an audience are due to the confidence they have developed from early public speaking. The greatest encouragement for a verbal child is an audience. Give them opportunities for storytelling and engage them in conversations. Make them narrate what they did in school or make them the master of ceremonies when you have family gatherings. it will boost their confidence to be future broadcasters and public speakers.

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